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Local cancer survivor John Allen signs “contract for a day” with CFC

John Allen signs his contract with Chattanooga FC Head Coach Rod Underwood

A growing love for soccer this year and grit through battling cancer landed a local teenager in the front office of a professional soccer team and on the field for a day he nor the club will ever forget.

The unexpected journey for John Allen Walker began right before Christmas 2021. His lymph nodes were still swollen after a brief illness. After some tests and subsequent surgery to remove the lymph nodes, doctors reassured everyone it was not cancer.

That reassurance would last just a couple months.

John Allen was just 12 years old on March 25, 2022 when his mother, Marley Walker, had to tell her only son that he had cancer. The words ‘cancer’ and ‘Hodgkin Lymphoma’ meant nothing to him. Marley tried to reassure John’s father, Dale, when she called to tell him the news. But the tears communicated more.

Treatment Begins

Doctors ran tests on John Allen’s heart and lungs. By the end of the week treatment was underway; three cycles of chemotherapy were to follow. John Allen stayed in school and was almost like any boy his age. Mom struggled to get the words “he has cancer” out each and every time she needed to tell someone.

Setbacks were plenty: hospital stays, ER visits, allergic reaction to medicines, struggles to eat.

John Allen remained positive and never once questioned why this was happening. His love for classic rock – in particular Queen – stayed intact throughout it all. Marley would replace the lyrics of “We are the Champions” and instead sing “Your pills will stay down” each time she gave John Allen his medicine.

Then, his hair fell out. John Allen could handle feeling sick and seeing the inside of a hospital more than any child should. Losing his hair was a low point. But when chemo took his hair, something amazing happened. His cousins, uncles and father all shaved their heads. John Allen knew he wouldn’t be alone.

To pass the time during hospital stays, he began to play FIFA on a Nintendo Switch and his love for soccer was made official. He would also play FIFA in the oncology waiting room.

John Allen finished chemotherapy later that summer and was ringing the bell to celebrate the end of treatment. By September, he was in full remission. No more cancer. Through it all, John Allen continued to be himself, listening to NPR, classic rock and playing FIFA.

The hair grew back better and longer than before. John Allen hasn’t cut his hair since being in remission. He wants to match the hair of “Slash” from Guns N’ Roses.

“You are told that there is life before diagnosis, and life after diagnosis, and that’s exactly how it’s been,” said Marley. “Life changes. Life stops.”

GALLERY: John Allen's "Contract for a Day" visit with Chattanooga Football Club

Austin Hatcher Foundation and CFC

The entire Walker family were plugged into the Austin Hatcher Foundation (AHF), to receive holistic support – whether that be therapy sessions for family members or exercise classes for John Allen.

“There are so many misconceptions around treatment,” said AHF Family Service Coordinator Sarah Taylor.

When Chattanooga FC welcomed AHF to a match this summer for Kick Childhood Cancer, the Walker family was there. So was the rain. John Allen insisted that he and his family stay until the final whistle. It was worth it when CFC forward Mehdi Ouamri rewarded the crowd with a game-winning bicycle kick goal.

AHF and CFC worked together to arrange a day for John Allen to join the team for a training session and to sign a “contract for a day” as an honorary member of the club.

“It takes time to build the body back up,” said Taylor. “To see John Allen running and warming up with the team was a really big deal. He has true grit. He is always willing to step up, and he’s truly resilient.”

“Today was a very special day for us, having you here,” said Chattanooga FC defender Farid Sar-Sar in conversation with John Allen. “We really enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed it. You warmed up with us and watched the goalkeepers train—they are lazy but they are good (laughs). You’re welcome anytime.”

John Allen then got to interview Sar-Sar, asking him what life is like traveling the country as a professional athlete, and in particular, what it was like for Sar-Sar to train with Lionel Messi at his former club, Inter Miami CF II.

At the conclusion of training, John Allen met the CFC front office staff to get a full understanding of how a professional soccer club operates. He was visited by various members of leadership and concluded his visit by shadowing CEO Alton Byrd for the afternoon.

“The decision to work with the Walker family at AHF was unanimous,” said Taylor. “John Allen has a way with his peers, and he’s a connector. He has enthusiasm, positivity and a go-getter attitude. He has the gift of presence.”

Chattanooga Football Club was the latest recipient of his presence on Wednesday, September 11st, 2024.